Tuesday 29 September 2020

Module 3 Skype 29th September

Tonight I joined in on a module three focused discussion group. I found it really enlightening listening to the current module 3 students whilst studying module 2 myself. 
A prominent theme in their data collection was ensuring that you don't create leading questions or assumptions in order to prove a perspective. This leads back to the questioning of one's own assumptions which we looked at last week.
It has also been intriguing listening to ways in which their methods have had to be adapted due to Covid. How has this effected their results? Some students spoke about how the use of remote interviews via Skype has resulted in them reaching out to practitioners in the wider community instead of face to face interviews with work collegues and friends in their own professional network. This has resulted in more varied perspectives and interesting data. 
The topic of ethics was also linked to the current pandemic. The ethical consideration of knowing your own privilege regarding covid. If it hasn't effected your practice be aware that those you are interviewing may have had a very different experience.
Carrying on from this thinking about my data collection methods and the ethics of ensuring you have interviewed various different people with different experiences and backgrounds so to ensure fair results. 

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