Saturday 8 February 2020


I took part in the Skype session on Wednesday the 5th of February at 8pm. This Skype was focused on module 1 and module 2 learners. It was my first group session and I found it really reassuring to listen and discuss the BAPP with my fellow learners alongside the expertise of our supervisor Helen.

It was great to listen to the students working on module 2 and hear their reflective thoughts on module 1 and how they tackled their first module. I’ve entitled this blog ‘Just Go For It’ as one of the pieces of advise from both Helen and the module 2 students was just to get started with your ideas and go for it. I can be a procrastinator which can be beneficial at times but can also hold me back from just going for it and getting started. Since this blog I have got started and have found that I’ve become more aware of what my practice entails! Helen encouraged us to see our practice on a greater scale and not to isolate ourselves.I need to look at who else is in my field and how they engage in their practice.

The module 2 students spoke about how you can expand your research to journals, documentaries and even discussions with colleagues. I found this very interesting and I certainly intend on discussing my practice with my colleagues and friends.

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