Thursday, 12 March 2020

Coronavirus and Dance education

I know it's all we are hearing at the moment but I have been thinking alot about the impact the corona virus will have on Arts, Broadway is already going dark for the next month. Unfortunately this is only the beginning of the precautions.
I'm teaching dance in a primary school at the moment and today I had to change everything that involved holding hands with partners, holding hands to get into the circle and so on. 
My class began and ended with sanitizing hands followed by sanatizing the ballet Barre. We sung a lovely song called wash your hands (a version of the dreaded 'baby shark song'). Children can sing this while washing their hands to ensure they are washing them for long enough. 
From this we even creating a little dance routine to go along with the song!!! 
Thinking about freelance dance teachers and teachers with their own schools how can they change their current practice to ensure the health and safety of their students? If schools close can they continue to teach using WEB 2.0? Virtual dance lessons? Can stage shows be live streamed??
What happens in countries where virtual learning is not available for the basics of mainstream education?
So many questions.....

For any of you teachers out there who know 'baby shark' here are the alternative lyrics...

Wash your hands do do do do....x3
Wash your hands...

Lots of soap do do do.....x3
Lots of soap...

Take your time do do do ..x3
Take your time...



  1. Hi Kate, Really interesting post! something I've been struggling with with my classes too! For my little ones they are hugging and touching each other all through class anyway so we do still hold hands minimally for creating circles etc, but i discourage them from touching their face or their friends faces and of course i just don't touch mine until i wash hands between class!
    Im finding it really difficult to manage the children wanting to hold my hand and hug me and sit really close with the anxieties i am having about this!

  2. Hi,
    I work with children too and this is such an issue at the moment! Like you, I've had to change so much of what I would normally do, so this in itself is such a learning experience. Thank you for your post!
