Monday, 14 September 2020

Welcome back Skype Friday Sept 11th

What a year 2020 has been and I feel lucky to be have module 2 of the BAPP programme to keep focused on into 2021. While our industry finds its feet in this challenging world it is nice to have something definite to work towards. 
For those who missed this Skype we spoke about the importance of reading ad 're reading the handbook, mapping your practice and attending Skype sessions as much as we can among many other things. I found it very useful to go through the unihub page again and remind me of where all the useful tools and resources are.
Module ones starting I remember feeling totally overwhelmed to begin with but I promise it will get easier and everything will fall into place! Something I am going to focus on for module 2 is to really stick to my timetable of study and not procrastinate, get writing!!!!! 
I'm interested to explore the field of education as I am working in a primary school as a TA and dance teacher. I am enjoying researching literature and professionals in the field of arts and education and looking forward to seeing where this takes me. This week I taught a French lesson as the specialist teacher was unwell. It involved me using dance in the lesson-ballet and it's french terminology as well as doing some french traditional dancing to a gavotte. Not to mention dancing hymns for our Wednesday morning singing assembly! Now that the children are not permitted to sing we are moving to the hymns instead. Necessity is the mother of invention as they say and this really worked a treat! Who knows what is in store for this week.....


  1. Hi Kate, this post was lovely to read and so great to see you can use your passion in a different way to teach children new things. I love when children make a connection between ballet steps and their French lessons at school.
    Im starting module one and if im 100% honest... very confused... the Skype session was good but im assuming it wont be until we start our module one skypes that we will know that to write about as such? Adesola speaks about drafts, and artefacts? Will this make more sense as I go along?X

    1. Hi Claire, thanks so much for your comment! Module one is overwhelming to start keep reading the hand book. The assignments for the end of module 1 are in there and you will hand in drafts for those assignments to your tutor for feedback! The module one focused skypes will help understanding also! Hope this helps! Kate-Anne.

  2. Hi Kate, I am also a teaching assistant in a primary school and a dance teacher! I love that you spoke about using ballet terminology to cover a French lesson. When I'm covering classes I always get the children up and moving- no matter what the subject it! There is always a way to connect movement to learning and I think the children find it beneficial to move as its different from sitting at a desk all day. Please feel free to check out my module 2 blogs so far!
    Alys x

    1. Hi Alys, Thank you for your comment! That's brilliant, don't you find it can be so static for them and also there is really one method of doing/learning. Really trying to look at different ways children can learn. It is hard for teachers as they don't have time or resources/budget from the school. Is it a large school thay you work in? Also is it independent or a state school?

  3. Hi Kate. I love the way you connected the French classes with the ballet terminology! I believe we learn better when we can see the connections with other topics and subjects. Interdisciplinary teaching is so valuable.

    1. Thanks Jacqueline, exactly I guess it's the same as the experiential learning we spoke about in module 1. I think this needs to be instilled from a young age!! Thanks for your comment, Kate-Anne.

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